Friday, January 12, 2007

Week 2, Things 1-4 - Lifelong learning and setting up blogger blog

I consider lifelong learning as essential as lifelong eating, or sleeping. Learning new skills, information, and perspective keeps life interesting. I welcome the opportunity to learn more about web 2.0 through "The 23 Things"!

Of the 7 1/2 habits of successful lifelong learners, the habit that easiest for me is #1 - beginning with the end in mind. Goal setting is the easy part, it's all of the work towards the goal that's sometimes difficult! In the past, I've found that viewing problems as challenges (#3) is often hard. I know that growth comes from obstacles and challenges, but too many problems at once can bring achievement of a goal to a standstill. In the case of my goal of learning the 23 things of 2.0, I'm confident I will overcome any obstacles or problems.

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